Wednesday, June 8, 2005


There is nothing like a good old serif font.
There is nothing like good old English, or, for that matter, good old anything. When it is bad, however, it is very bad. Someone must die for this.

The LCP is a great concept but the idea of the "grades at the beginning" paradigm is not. It is flat, conservative and disproportional. It also does not encourage circulation within a set of learners. What does the world think?


  1. i'm going to make a kite. Then I shall fly it.

  2. My sister makes kites. Look at this very poorly designed web-page and all the other ones.

  3. my kite will not be as cool as any of theirs...if it flies i will be happy...i will make it later today.

  4. Good luck to you. You should make it cool. It is worth the effort.
    Some time I will show you one of my kites, that Ruth, my sister, made for me. It fits in a film canister.

  5. So i made a fence instead of a kite today...but the kite will be made soon...when the fence is finished.

  6. What is the fence for. Do you have a bull?


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