Thursday, August 25, 2005

101 ways to start a fight

There will be none of that here.
There is something for everyone.


  1. How about if all I want is a good old dirty fight?

  2. Make stairs collide with the head of another. It helps if there are a few people involved and if all involved parties are drunk to some extent. Following the instigated collision is there is little reaction from pray it may be wise to seek another victim.

  3. can always throw sand in their eye...

  4. I would expect so, and not the only one too I hope for you sake. What do you think?

  5. Very good. And how do you fare this evening.

  6. OK, but I need to go for a run, not just any running, extreme night running! YEAH. Then I will be able to sleep (and count my bruises tomorrow)

  7. I want to know how many when you do. Please tell me.

  8. I suppose I could do that. I'm heading off now for my 'extreme night run' so goodnight to you.

  9. No bruises! I don't know how I managed that, it was pitch dark barely a moon, and I had one of our dogs bounding around with me.
    The sky was extremly clear, so I was able to do a spot of stargazing.The only constellation I know/recognise is the saucepan.

  10. One should not use a slash in public text!
    I do, however, like saucepans.
    What is the story of this day?

  11. I do not know how to type,so i am unable to tell you.

  12. That is not an excuse. Many an individual, my self included, will never master the keyboard. However, we must all still live aware of it restrictions. That aside, best practice and common use are very different things in the modern world, so almost any sin can be forgiven these days.

  13. Bah, Sins schmins...who says one must be penitent?

  14. I am here, developing theories on current communication standards and refining my knowledge the worlds best kept secret. Earlier today I was subjected to a wonderful relief as a great deal of frustration was terminated with one manilla envelope. Secrets are best when you can tell them.

    Tweened by universal contentment as usual.

  15. But if you tell others, then it is no longer a secret...or is it?
    Perhaps, i see you later in Cad. I'm off to snooze. Cheerio.

  16. can you use the word "tweened' in real life? i thought it was a flash term. i know tween as in between but not tweened

  17. What is a word and what should be are not always interpreted as exclusive.

  18. Things go well
    As you would expect I suppose.
    How are they for you?

  19. Things are not bad at the moment. Unusually calm.

  20. I, of course, a newcomer to this blog, but the author does not agree


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