Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hearing but not living advice

I think it is easy to give great advice that people listen to and believe and agree with. However I think it is really rare that they actually manage to implement it. I think this is not because people are not good at implementation I really think it is more because a lot of advice is not designed well for that purpose. Perhaps there is also a proponent that is the kind of person being advised, some people are very willing to document and enable advice as it comes along. However, I think in general people sort of Grok the advice they are given, consciously make some kind of ruling over it. Though I would argue the outcome of that ruling is irrelevant, and then they move on. I guess I think it is more like forgetting than anything else, but in the context of implementing, as opposed to just considering, I think it could be related to a lack of emotive power, of a given piece of advice. 

So I think it is much easier to offer a advice that gives a good potential or ideal solution and much harder to offer advice that will actually get implemented. Maybe this is only the case because a lot of the advice giving I have data on is unpaid design consulting or similar. Perhaps where there is more of a sale there is a greater propensity to follow a given point of suggestion. 

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