Sunday, December 21, 2008

Google Sites not Google's Sights

My new homepage on Google Sites

As I may have mentioned before I am in a gradual shift from Google Pages to Google Sites . So far I have been happy in most respects however there are a few core aspects of Google Sites that really annoys me.

  1. No RSS Feeds - Though a user can sign up for email update of changes or posts under a specific title or whatever there are no RSS feeds accessible. I want everything to have feeds and I want to be able to make this site into a blog of sorts.
  2. Crap (Fake) Commenting - The commenting is currently either limited to only collaborators or the whole site has to be editable by anyone to allow normal people to leave comments. This is lame, and another thing making it hard to do blog like things.
  3. No Scripts, Limited to Gadgets - Because Sites is a hosted solution they rather you not editing the main template's HTML or CSS. However, they have also made it so scripts can not be pasted into HTML content boxes. This means users can only use interactive things that come from the google gadgets library (which is okay but way too small).
One of the reasons these things annoy me is because I really want to test out some of the new Google tools but they have not even made them compatible with the background system. Friend Connect for example, it is far to tough for me to implement such a technology within Google Sites. Hence, I think it would be really interesting if Google made Google Sites into a sandbox of sorts where all the new web technologies could be available to be tested etc. Perhaps this could be something like Blogger in Draft . 

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