Friday, November 6, 2009

Designing Luck

This image was used by Jan Chipchase to note Ritualised Luck, situations where rituals exist which aim to increase someones luck. In this image a prayer card is shown which the driver touches before every ride.

I think however, this speaks about a greater source of luck, valuable rituals strategically designed to enable luck to integrate into your life. What I am suggesting is a bit like a serendipity strategy, a strategy designed to expose you to conducive situations, new information, creative ideas and extraordinary people to help you find great opportunities regularly.

I think some examples are: watching TED, taking part in community building, regular and diverse reading, enforced seclusion and bordom, and continuous context shifting such as traveling.

Any ideas about other such strategies?

Posted via web from Mark Whiting's posterous


  1. Yeah it is kind of an interesting term. I am not sure if others have used it before, but it sounds hard to define in an academic context hehe.


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